Logistic Regression

Machine Learning

December 29, 2020

Which attributes of sigmoid function make it a suitable candidate for logistic regression algorithm?

The attributes of sigmoid function that makes it best suited for logistic regression algorithm are:

  1. Accentuation: Due exponential nature of the curve described by sigmoid function, a small change in input results in large change in output. Therefore for a small variation in the slope or intercept of the classification line, the change in error rate is significant. This helps improve model accuracy and ensures generalization.
  2. Range: The range of the function is between 0 & 1, thus making it a suitable candidate for probability computations.

by : Monis Khan

Quick Summary:

The attributes of sigmoid function that makes it best suited for logistic regression algorithm are: Accentuation: Due exponential nature of the curve described by sigmoid function, a small change in input results in large change in output. Therefore for a small variation in the slope or intercept of the classification line, the change in error […]